FHTW Berlin

FHTW Berlin / Fachbereich 4
Internationale Medieninformatik
MMA: Web Usability
Sommersemester 2005
Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff

Exercise 3: Cognitive Walkthrough

Week 1

  1. The object that we will doing a cognitive walkthrough for is an odometer for a bicycle. Don't know what an odometer is? Check out the Wikipedia! We will be doing a cognitive walkthrough for this little box. Your first job is to identify a typical user population. Who uses odometers? What knowledge about odometers will these users typically have? Are there any special conditions on the use of an odometer on a bicycle? Unfortunately, I do not have an instruction booklet for the odometer. It looks like this:

    There is a 2-line display and 6 buttons below the display. The buttons are labelled: Clock, M/Km, Timer, Odo, Dst and Set. What might the buttons mean? List typical tasks that a member of your user population will want to complete using the odometer. This will be the first section of your report.
  2. Now develop the correct sequence of actions for one of the tasks, for instance changing the time display from summer to winter time. This will be the second section of your report.
  3. Go through the actions in your sequence step by step. For each action in the solution path, construct credible "success'' or "failure'' stories about why a user would or would not select the correct action. This will be section 3 of your report. Critique your stories to make sure they are believable, according to four criteria:

Week 2

  1. Now repeat steps two and three for another task, for example clocking the distance and time one needs from home to school.
  2. Propose design changes to the user interface, based on the cognitive walkthrough! This will be the last section of your report.
  3. Submit the URL of your report by the begin of your next exercise.

Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@fhtw-berlin.de)