Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff  Examination Board issues

This page provides some information on questions that students might have for me as chair of the IMI examination board.

General Questions

  1. Q: I didn't make it to the orientation session, can you tell me what you said?
    A: No, but here are the slides.

  2. Q: I want to take this cool course in some other program. Can I get it accepted for an IMI elective?
    A: If the course is not a regular mandatory course for IMI and is in some way related to IMI, maybe. Please write a letter to me including information on the course and requesting that you be able to take the course after you are admitted to the course at the beginning of the semester. Sign the letter and put it in my mailbox on the second floor. For the examination registration, please fill out this form and have me sign it.

  3. Q: But it is a course from AI, can't we just take their courses?
    A: Maybe. We have lists of elective courses in AI that we accept for IMI. You can register for these in LSF (but you only are accepted if there is space available). You can take them in any semester, you don't have to be in the semester they are offered in in AI (that is, you can be a 5th semester and take courses in AI that are offered in the third semester). Do note that these courses do NOT count for a specialization area for archane administrative reasons.

    Acceptable for IMI-B from AI-B (191. FBR, Beschluss 410/2017)

    B35 GI Einführung in die Gesundheitsinformatik
    B35 MA Grundlagen mobiler Anwendungen
    B35 WT Grundlagen Sozialer Netze

    B44 GI Medizinische Bildverarbeitung
    B44 MA Drahtlose Netzwerke
    B44 MM Gestaltung von Multimediasystemen
    B44 WT Content Management, Such- und Texttechnologien

    B45 GI Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen
    B45 MA Ortsbasierte Informationssysteme
    B45 MM Entwicklung von Multimediasystemen
    B45 WT Wissensrepräsentation

    B54 WT Entwicklung sozialer Anwendungen
    B54 GI Visualisierung medizinischer Daten
    B54 MA Technik mobiler Systeme

    B55 GI Ausgewählte Kapitel der Gesundheitsinformatik
    B55 MA Ausgewählte Kapitel mobiler Anwendungen
    B55 MM Ausgewählte Kapitel multimedialer Anwendungen
    B55 WT Ausgewählte Kapitel sozialer Webtechnologien

    Acceptable electives for IMI-M from AI-M, 191. FBR, Beschluss 410/2017:

    HCI Human-Computer Interaction
    IS Information Systems
    ITS IT Security - IT Security
    MIP Medical Image Processing
    NFC Near-Field-Communication
    AT Advanced Topics - Participatory Design

  4. Q: I've already done an AT1 / AT2 and want to do a different course this semester, but it's also an AT1 / AT2. Can I still take it?
    A: Sure - same as above. Register. Attend classes. For the examination registration, please fill out this form and have me sign it.

IMI-M Independent Coursework

  1. Q: What is this Independent Coursework thing? It is in LSF, but not scheduled for any day.
    A: We have a page that explains the course in much detail.

Final Thesis Questions

  1. Q: When do I have to apply for the thesis?
    A: You must apply for being admitted to write your Bachelor’s thesis by the last day of the lectures of the previous semester. This is usually the middle of February for writing in the summer term, the middle of July for writing in the winter. We normally hold a meeting about four weeks earlier where the professors present topics that interest them. You can also ask any questions that you have then.

  2. Q: What kinds of topics can I choose?
    A: Pretty much anything that fits with Media and Computing and is enough of a challenge to require someone to work for 450 hours (12+3 credits x 30 hours per credit). Perhaps it is easiest to explain things that won’t be acceptable: Arty things like an auto-biographical movie or a video-based exhibition on the relentless march of time are out, as are simple things like making a web site for your buddy who is going into business or making a data entry system for a customer address database, or implementing a real-time simulation of the universe as an iPhone app are out. But anything that you can convince an IMI professor to be a thesis is fine.

  3. Q: What if I can’t find a topic?
    A: Hey, this is your thesis! It should be on something that interests you! The professors all have home pages with possible topics, and we offer a session where you can come and hear us expounding on the things that we want to have programmed. Maybe your internship company has a bright idea for something they would like to have. Or you can extend your project from the fourth semester in some interesting manner.

  4. Q: The company I work for has a topic, but they require everyone to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Is that okay?
    A: It depends. I have signed them in the past if they were not obnoxious. But I’ve gotten to the point that I will not sign them anymore. We are a public school, and what we produce should be publically available. It’s okay to not put the thesis in the library or on a website, but I don’t want to be forbidden from talking about what I am currently doing,

  5. Q: When can I apply for the thesis?
    A: Usually in your fifth semester for Bachelors, in your third semester for Masters. If you did your internship in the fourth semester, you have all of the fifth semester to think about what you want to do. Make sure that you take the first examination period in the fifth semester so that you can be admitted for the beginning of the sixth semester.

    § 6 IMI-B-PO (Amtl. Mitteilung 14/2008, corrected in 45/2010) states:
    (2) Voraussetzung für die Anmeldung zur Bachelorarbeit ist der Nachweis von 120 Leistungspunkten aus dem 1. – 4. Studienplansemester. Ein Kandidat oder eine Kandidatin kann auch zugelassen werden, wenn er oder sie ein Modul im Gesamtumfang von bis zu 6 Leistungspunkten noch nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat und der erfolgreiche Abschluss sämtlicher Module im 6. Studienplansemester möglich und zu erwarten ist.


    (5) Die Bearbeitungszeit für die Bachelorarbeit umfasst maximal 10 16 Wochen. Die Bachelorarbeit ist zum Ende der 10. 16. Woche des 6. Studienplansemesters in dreifacher Ausfertigung abzugeben.

    § 6 IMI-B-PO (Amtl. Mitteilungen 28/12) states:

    (3) Zur Bachelorarbeit wird zugelassen, wer Module im Umfang von mindestens 150 Leistungspunkten erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat. Ein Kandidat oder eine Kandidatin kann auch zugelassen werden, wenn:
    - er oder sie Module im Gesamtumfang von bis zu zehn Leistungspunkten noch nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat und
    - der erfolgreiche Abschluss sämtlicher Module im Semester, in dem die Bachelorarbeit geschrieben wird, möglich und zu erwarten ist und
    - Art und Umfang der noch fehlenden Module die Anfertigung der Bachelorarbeit fachlich
    und zeitlich nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigen.


    (6) Die Bearbeitungszeit für die Bachelorarbeit umfasst maximal 16 Wochen. Die Bachelorarbeit ist zum Ende der 16. Woche des 6. Studienplansemesters in dreifacher Ausfertigung abzugeben.
    That means, that even if you are not admitted until late (because of grade problems or not having a topic or whatever): the clock is ticking anyway. Everyone hands in the 16th week.

    § 6 IMI-M-PO (Amtl. Mitteilungen 48/08) states:

    (2) Voraussetzung für die Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit ist der Nachweis von 60 Leistungspunkten aus dem 1. und 2. Studienplansemester. Die Zulassung zur Masterarbeit erfolgt, wenn Module im Umfang von mindestens 84 Leistungspunkten erfolgreich nachgewiesen wurden.

    (3) Der zeitliche Bearbeitungsaufwand der Masterarbeit entspricht 25 Leistungspunkten. Die Bearbeitungszeit für die Masterarbeit umfasst maximal 20 Wochen. Die Masterarbeit ist zum Ende der 20. Woche des 4. Studienplansemesters in dreifacher Ausfertigung abzugeben.

    We will admit you formally around the beginning of April / October if you have all of the qualifications. If you don't, you can still start if you are sure that you will "shortly" have all the necessary grades.

  6. Q: When do I hand in the thesis?
    A: The theses are handed in at the end of the 16th (Bachelor) or 20th (Master) week of the semester. See the official German information in Answer 9.

    If you are sick, you need a doctor's note and it must be handed in immediately. Extentions will only be granted under exceptional conditions. Please see the official pages and this broschure on what forms you need for more information.

  7. Q: Are there any forms I have to worry about?
    A: We are in Germany – of course! Get a form from here and fill it out. Have your advisor sign it. Suggest a second advisor if you like. Maybe even get their signature, but it is not necessary. You do not need my signature as PA-Vorsitzende.
    And prepare an expose (1-2 pages) that you submit with your application. This is especially useful if we have to find a second advisor, it is good to know what you are planning on doing. And it is good to get started on thinking through what you are to be doing.

  8. Q: When can I come to your office to get a signature on my application? I work on the day you have office hours!
    A: Sorry, I generally only have time during the office hours. However, you only need my signature if you are writing your thesis with me. The forms are for all programs, and for some other programs you do need the PA-Vorsitzender to sign. Not for IMI.

  9. Q: I couldn't come to that thesis meeting because I was busy with other stuff. Can you please repeat everything for me / send me the slides?
    A: No. I won't repeat everything, that's the point of the thesis meeting. I'm willing to put the slides up, though, not that it helps much. And the page about what to do if you get sick (in German).

  10. Q: Can I do a MOOC instead of the Master's Seminar/Scientific Communication?
    A: Maybe. See your teacher, but a course like this is fine.

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