Event files for the scanner and parser proofs

Please read the warranty and copyright before downloading any of these files!

This is the init.lsp file I use (giving the load order). You will want to adjust the path.

The event files are given here in alphabetical order.

In order to use the all.events file you should do the following:
  1. Obtain the prover.
  2. Make sure that pc-nqthm-1992 and nqthm-1992 are installed on your machine and is running. pc-nqthm-1992 is necessary as some proofs were only conductable using the INSTRUCTIONS mechanism found there. Make sure that the nqthm-1992/examples/numbers/naturals.events files has been successfully processed.
  3. Obtain the all.events or all-with-naturals.events file. If you are using all-with-naturals.events, edit the note-lib line so that the directory points to the examples directory of nqthm-1992.
  4. Start pc-nqthm-1992 and load the all.events file (or the all-with-naturals.events file):
    weberwu@dip6027: > pc-nqthm-1992
    GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  Version(2.1) Mon Jun  5 09:34:54 MET DST 1995
    Licensed under GNU Public Library License
    Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter
    Initialized with (BOOT-STRAP NQTHM) on June 16, 1995  14:12:23.
    >(load "all.events")
If it stops after a Q.E.D. at a (high tide) marker instead of going into an infinite loop, everything is fine!

A tarred and compressed file containing all of the above files can be found here (events.tar.Z)

Debora Weber-Wulff <weberwu@tfh-berlin.de>< /address> Letzte Änderung: Sun Apr 6 20:39:29 1997