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TFH Berlin |
This handout describes some of the general information that you will need to know about SA31/SWT1. It also includes course policies that I will expect you to abide by during this term. You should read through this handout and make sure that you understand its contents. You will probably also want to save it for future reference. This handout -- as well as other course information -- is available on the web via the course web page, http://www-tfh-berlin.de/~weberwu/sa31/.
Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff,
4504-2529, Haus Grashof, Room 503.
Office hours by appointment.
Contacting Me
I am best reached by email. I usually read email regularly, if you have something urgent, this is probably the best way to contact me.
I have a mailing list set up for the class, so that you can reach other
students. You can join anytime by sending an email to
with an empty subject field and the text
in the body.
The textbook for this course is
We will be using the UML-Tool objektiF from the company microTool. You can download a "crippleware" version of the software to use at home. It will only permit you to make 5 diagrams, which is sufficient for the exercises.
Course Meetings
The class meets once a week on Tuesdays from 12.15-13.45 in Room H3, Haus Bauwesen.
In addition to lecture, each student will be assigned to a lab section. The IT-Bachelor group will have its own group, which meets weekly on Thursdays. We will assign the lab sections in the first class. Unfortunately, the labs will be bi-weekly, so check your schedule and be sure not to miss labs!
Assignments and Grades
During the term, there will be a number of assignments to complete. Work in groups of two on these assignments, turning them in on or before the appointed date. I will be experimenting with giving you a point grade for the exercises with 10 points for each week that you have to complete the exercise. I will take points off for anything that I feel is missing in the exercise. I do not enjoy fighting for points, so if you feel that I have graded you unfairly, be prepared to demonstrate why in a professional manner.
There will be a 2-hour examination on Jan 30, 2001 at XXXX in room XXXX, The examination will cover the conceptual understanding of systems analysis in ways which may be difficult to assess during the laboratory sessions.
Your grade in SA31 will be a weighted mixture of the following elements of the course
Missing one assignment may add 0,3 to your grade.
Missing three assignments may add 1,0 to your grade.
You may volunteer, in groups of two, to take lecture notes for one of the sessions and publish it on the web. This will give you a free 5% of your grade and tends to be very useful! This is only for the Medieninformatik group. You must pass the examination to have your lab work counted.
Missed Meetings
You are responsible for all material covered in each lecture unless otherwise indicated. This material may not be covered elsewhere, so if you miss a meeting, you are responsible for getting notes from a friend or otherwise making up the material. Handouts will not be distributed on paper outside of class, but all course handouts will be made available on the course web site.
Attendance at laboratory is mandatory. If for any reason you cannot attend your scheduled laboratory session, it is your responsibility to make alternate arrangements with me as far in advance as is reasonably possible. In particular, if you have an athletic event or other scheduled conflict, I expect that you will discuss this with me as soon as the conflict is scheduled. I understand that unforseen events do arise (see below); however, your brother's wedding is (probably) not one of them.
The only exceptions to this policy (i.e., last-minute or after-the-fact rescheduling) will be in cases of significant and unanticipatable emergency. In these cases, I request a note from a doctor. In addition, I would appreciate it if you would make an effort to notify me at the earliest possible opportunity so that I can adjust accordingly.
Letzte Änderung: 16.09.01 - 23:32 |