HTW Berlin Medieninformatik

HTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
Aktuelles - Medien: Kryptographie
Winter Term 2009/10

Lab 14a : German eID / ELENA

Germany is introducing an electronic identification card (ePA/nPA) and has started an electronic earnings statement (ELENA). There are two documents on the Moodle page and many documents on the internet about these two processes. Choose one of the two exercises.

    1. Frank Pallas: Der Elektronische Einkommensnachweis - Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht der Informatik. In: Weber-Wulff, Debora und Warnke, Martin (Hrsg.): Kontrolle durch Transparenz / Transparenz durch Kontrolle. Materialsammlung zur Tagung des Fachbereichs Informatik und Gesellschaft der GI e.V. 27. bis 29. April 2007, Berlin
    2. Marian Margraf (Bundesministerium des Inneren): Der elektronische Identitätsnachweis des zukünftigen Personalausweises

  1. For the ePA - write down the exact protocols necessary (including how exactly the protocols are installed in any machinery used)
    1. for Kalle Kurz, Werkzeugmacher in Lübeck, und Lieschen Lenz, Rentnerin in Letschin, to obtain an ePA
    2. for Kalle to purchase cigarettes in a machine
    3. for Lieschen to order a dress from a mail order company
    4. for Kalle to buy a wooden rocking chair that Lieschen is selling
    5. for Lieschen to apply for a new supplementary monthly stipend of 15 Euros paid to all German citizens who were born before January 30, 1933.
  2. For ELENA - write down the exact protocols necessary (including how exactly the protocols are installed in any machinery used including how all persons active in the process obtain and keep secret their keys)
    1. for the company Schröder & Co. to send to the government the information necessary for 2010
    2. for the company Schröder & Co. to hire Kalle in March 2010
    3. for Kalles health insurance scheme to determine how much Kalle needs to pay from March 2010
    4. for Kalle to be let go in August and to start right away at Schmidt/Mayer.
    5. for Kalle to obtain his year-end statement from both companies on how much he got paid

How does revocation of a key affect these protocols?

Your protocols should be correct, non-repudiatable, authenticate properly, and be understandable. If there are any parts of the protocols that are not clear, indicate why. If you use more sources than this, please give them. The Wikipedia might be a good source, but is not quotable in this context.

Copyright 2009 Dr. Hermann Thiel & Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff - All rights reserved.
Questions or comments: <>

This material is jointly prepared by Dr. Hermann Thiel and Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff. Much of the material comes from other sources and is denoted by the copyright notices on the individual pages