HTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
Aktuelle Themen: Cryptography
Winter Term 2024/25
Given natural numbers a and n,
show that n can not be pseudoprime with respect to a
if gcd(a, n) ≠ 1.
Find a counterexample for the converse
of Fermat´s Theorem: Find natural numbers a and n
with 1 < a < n-1, such that an-1
≣ 1mod n where n ist not prime.
Implement the Rabin-Miller-Algorithm;
you can find pseudocode in Moodle. Test by comparing your
implementation with Java´s isProbablePrime. How many
numbers less then 1.000.000 will your implementation test as
prime? Try several parameters for k.
Find a composite 32-bit-number that
will be tested as prime in one (k=1) round of the
Find a random 512-bit-pseudoprime with
your implementation of the Rabin-Miller-Algorithm. How many
numbers did you have to test?
Your report is due by 22:00 the night before your next lab!
This material is jointly prepared by Dr. Hermann Thiel and Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff. Some of the material may come from other sources and is denoted by the copyright notices on the individual pages.