
It's showtime! The semester is drawing to a close and most of the IMI projects are finished. We want to show each other and the other IMI students and our friends what we have been doing all semester. Each project group has 15-30 minutes, depending on whether they are 1 or 2 semester projects. You presentations will be judged by all of the project teachers that attend your presentation. The average grade that they give to you will make up 20% of your grade! It is mandatory for you to be present at this presentation, and it is a good idea to listen to the others, as you want them to listen to your presentation.

When? Thursday, 2003-01-30 Where? HG 132 (12-16, then in HG 221)

12.00-12.15HG 132Welcome: Prof. Barthel / Prof. Weber-Wulff
12.15-12.45HG 132Advanced Voice Solutions
12.45-13.15HG 132Knowledge Base
13.15-13.30HG 132Vituelle Lehre
13.30-14.15 Lunch Break


HG 132

Virtuelles Museum

14.45-15.00HG 132Event Management
15.00-15.30HG 132Namibia DVD
15.30-15.45HG 132Homepage FHTW Berlin
15.45-16.00 Smokes & Coffee, Room change
16.00-16.10HG 221 Interdisziplinäre Projekte - Introduction
16.10-16.30HG 22130PaarHaende
16.30-16.50HG 221dpwk - Deutscher Preis für Wirtschaftskommunikation
16.50-17.10 HG 221Köpfe-Online
17.10-17.30 HG 221Task-Force-Web WK
17.30-??HG 221Party-Time! Bring food and drinks with you, or does someone want to organize this??

For more information, contact: Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff,