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HTW Berlin |
General Information Sheet |
This handout describes some of the general information that you will
need to know about the course. It also includes course policies that you
will be expected to abide by during this term. You should read through
this handout and make sure that you understand its contents. You
will probably also want to save it for future reference. This handout—as well as other course information—is available on the web via the
course web page,
Contents | Course Staff |
Teacher |
Tutorial | Anja Kummer will be holding the weekly programming tutorial. |
Contacting me | I am best reachable by email. I usually read email regularly, and late at night. If you have something urgent, this is probably the best way to contact me. |
Collaboration room | There is a collaboration room set up for the class. There are forums here for you to ask questions, for announcements, and there are areas here for you to submit your assignments. https://moodle.htw-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=16281 Assignments should not be sent to us by email, they should be submitted here. |
We do not have a textbook for this course. There are lots of books and many web sites on the subject, but none that I really like. And none with BlueJ, yet. I tried to talk Kölling into doing one a few summers ago, but he's off doing other stuff, like Greenfoot. Here are some that will do.
Duane A. Bailey |
Thomas A. Standish Data Structures in Java Oldish - concentrates on the algorithms, not the fancy new stuff |
Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia |
John R. Hubbard Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java (Schaum's Outlines) ISBN 0-07-136128-6. 2nd edition, 2009. This is a compact collection of samples and exercises. |
Robert LaFore |
David Harel and Yishai Feldman Algorithmics. The Spirit of Computing. This is one of the classics of algorithmics. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Java, but explains Algorithmics nicely, with just the right amount of theory. The focus is on design and not maths. |
Thomas Ottmann and Peter Widmayer Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen. Relatively thorough in the theory, but of course no connection with Java. It is in German, though. |
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein |
Hans-Werner Lang Algorithmen: in Java - Sortieren, Textsuche, Codierung, Kryptographie. 3. Auflage. Oldenburg. ISBN 978-3486714067. 2012. The book is in German, unfortunately. But since the author as a Assistent in Kiel taught me Automata Theory, he gets special mention even though the book is rather heavy on the theory side. He does give many algorithms in Java, however, which makes them good for our purposes. |
Donald E. Knuth This is *the* classic algorithms book series found in all computing libraries. |
Please don't get Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving using Java. It is a translation from the author's Pascal book and completely misses the mark in my opinion on the object-oriented way of thinking. Some of the others do too, to some extent or other.
Exercises are posted on the web site. There will be pre-labs that I expect you to have completed before you come to class.
Course Meetings
We lucked out this semester and have a great schedule. We meet for lecture every Tuesday and Wednesday at 14.00 in C 340. Tuesdays I have Group 1 in C 576 right after the lecture, and Wednesdays it is Group 2's lab session, also in C 576.
Please check the schedule each week—I sometimes have to reschedule on account of talks about plagiarism.
Assignments and Grades
During the term, there will be 15 14 exercise sessions which will be written
assignments on programming. The last one is optional and counts as extra credit, so there are 14 exercises to be handed in. One last exercise is a suggestion for some fun over the break.
You must hand in at least 11 10 exercises in order to be admitted to the exam. We will be programming lots of "little" things about algorithms and data structures. There
will be a 2-hour online examination on or around July 25, 2018.
The examination
will cover data structures and
algorithms and conceptual understanding in ways that may
be difficult to assess during the laboratory sessions. You may take 2 hand-written pages into the exam with you—no computer-printed material. Since the exam is done on a computer, you may not leave the examination room after you have started the exam.
You will need to hand in a summary of the day's lectures (two parts in one summary) each week. A summary is not a transcription of the slides, and it is not a bullet list of topics. It will be around 10 complete sentences that summarize the session. That will help you to learn, as you put together what was done. It is either done or not, and worth one percent of your grade per week. If you are not in lecture, you can of course learn the material on your own and submit a summary of the topic. Do note that copies of summaries from other students or Wikipedia excerpts on the topic constitute plagiarism and may result in a failing grade for the course. They are due by the Monday evening after the lectures of the previous week by 22.00 at the latest. No late work will be accepted.
Your grade in Informatics 2 will be a weighted mixture of the following elements of the course
I still use a "star" system for grading the exercise reports.
Stars | Meaning |
****+ | Exceptional: Above and beyond the call of duty. Very seldom. |
****- | Excellent: All of the exercises completed and an excellent report. |
***-- | Very good: All of the exercises completed, and a good report that may have some minor problems. |
**--- | Good: Something is missing, although the report is good, or the report has major problems. |
*---- | Satisfactory: Nothing worked, but you had a good report. |
----- | Disappointing: Nothing worked, but you managed to scrape together a report. Or you did a million bells and whistles, but turned in a half-page report using bullet lists of misspelled sentence fragements that are, however, technically a report on time. |
X | Failed: Late work, or not handed in. |
For the lab work you will receive a
Late work will not be accepted and will be treated as missing work. Always turn in what you have completed on time rather than delaying in the hope that you will be able to do more.
If you are joining us from another program or are repeating the course, it may be difficult to get a position in the exercise group. If you want to do the exercises (and they will then count towards your final grade, register in LSF for the Nachbelegung. Otherwise, you are welcome to just register for the exam and it will count for 100 % of your grade. You are also welcome to come to the lectures, anyone may attend the lectures - and may get called on to explain something :) Only those who are regularly in the second semester have the right to be admitted to the exercise sessions - if they register normally.
Laboratory sessions are an essential part of the course. The laboratory assignments will be posted on the home page. You must work in pairs. We will be practicing pair programming with randomly chosen lab partners. You must report to the laboratory in time as you will be assigned to work with a different partner every week. You should be logged on before the lab starts. I will explain the exercise and you then have the rest of the first 10 minutes to discuss what you are going to do. To start with, one of you becomes the driver and will be typing, the other is the navigator, speaking over the driver's shoulder. After 20 minutes a bell will ring, and you switch places. The bell will ring two more times, and you switch each time. You will be exhausted after class, but you will have learned a lot! We only expect you to hand in a report about what you finished in class. You may, however, continue to work on the exercise at home with your partner of the week, if you wish.
There is a pre-lab/finger exercise section for all of the exercises. It is usually a good idea to think these through before coming to the lab. We expect each student to have their own pre-lab copy with them when they come to class. The report, however, will be for the pair, so there will only be one report for two people, although each hands in his or her own copy to Moodle. All lab work must be turned in on time and be labelled with the names of the students who did the work. They are in general due the evening before your next lab by 22.00 at the latest.
We want to have the assignments handed in as reports (in .pdf format only, please) explaining the process that you used in the lab. You should include your code in the appendix, but we want you to focus on what you as a pair tried, what failed, what worked. How did the pair programming proceed in this constellation? A screenshot of the results is expected, but should not make up the entire report. We expect the reports to be in complete sentences and to explain any collaboration (see below) that happened. Remeber to put the assignment in the Moodle area and don't forget your names and matriculation numbers! Your report should have a reflection at the end on what each individual learned from this exercise. They should not be epic works, but about 5 pages per session. They can be written in English or German.
Late work will not be accepted. Any reports not handed in on time receive a zero. Always turn in what you have completed on time, rather than delaying in the hope that you will be able to do more.
Missed Meetings
You are responsible for all material covered in each lecture unless otherwise indicated. This material may not be covered elsewhere, so if you miss a meeting, you are responsible for getting notes from a friend or otherwise making up the material. Handouts will not be distributed on paper, but will be made available on the course web site.
Attendance at laboratory is mandatory. If for any reason you cannot attend your scheduled laboratory session, it is your responsibility to make alternate arrangements with me as far in advance as is reasonably possible. In particular, if you have an athletic event or other scheduled conflict, we expect that you will discuss this with us as soon as the conflict is scheduled. We understand that unforseen events do arise (see below); however, your brother's wedding is (probably) not one of them.
The only exceptions to this policy (i.e., last-minute or after-the-fact rescheduling) will be in cases of significant and unanticipatable emergency. In these cases, I request a note from a doctor. In addition, I would appreciate it if you would make an effort to notify me at the earliest possible opportunity so that he can plan accordingly.
This section details the general course collaboration policy. Certain assignments require different kinds of, or restrictions on, collaboration. When the collaboration policy differs from that described here, it will be specified in the laboratory assignment.
We encourage you to work together on the exercises. They are designed for working in pairs, allowing you to help each other learn and to balance your knowledge and strengths. We expect that any written work you turn in will be done only by both of the authors of the notes, though it may reflect group preparation.
Experimental work is a more complex topic. It is often useful to discuss your program with peers or with us, and we strongly encourage this. It is particularly useful to do so as a means of debugging your program. Reading code written by others and having others critique your code are good ways to improve your programming style. However, it is of no benefit to you or to anyone else to have someone else actually do your experimental work. We expect that the default assumption (i.e., unless specified otherwise) is that experimantal assignments are your own work, but may reflect input from others just as an essay edited by friends might. You should be the one who wrote the code you turn in.
In each piece of work that you turn in, you must specify everyone with whom you have collaborated and each person's role in the collaboration (e.g., pre-lab, post-lab discussion and analysis, in-lab coding—specify which pieces or how responsibility was distributed—, debugging, or advice). Failure to specify such collaboration will be interpreted as a statement that you have not collaborated with others in your work. While this is acceptable under course policy, it is probably ill-advised. (Really. We want you to work together and to learn from each other!)
Examinations are diagnostic in nature and as a consequence should represent independent work.
Of course, copying of the work of others is entirely unacceptable and will result in the lab in question being marked as failed. This includes pre-lab work. Depending on the nature of the copying, there may be further penalties assessed.
Laptop use
Laptop use in lecutres in the past has proven distracting to instructors, fellow students, and birds passing by, and has been scientifically shown to be detrimental to learning [1] [2]. I kindly request that there be no laptop or mobile phone use during lecture (except my laptop). You are to take notes on paper. If everyone adheres to this rule, I will post my slides at the end of the lecture. If anyone uses a laptop or smartphone, however, I will not post the slides. I'd like to see if we can increase the number of people passing this course if we exclude email, Skype, Twitter, WhatsApp and whatnot. Taking pictures of me or the slides, or recording what I say is not permitted. Just use your brains plus pen and paper. I know it's cruel, but you are here to learn.
[1] Risko, E. F., Buchanan, D., Medimorec, S., & Klingstone, A. (2013) Everyday attention: Mind wandering and computer use during lectures. In: Computers & Education, Vol. 68, October, pp. 275–283. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131513001218.
[2] Sana, F., Weston, T., & Cepeda, N. J. (2013) Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. In: Computers & Education, Volume 62, March, pp. 24–31. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131512002254
Where to Find Additional Information
The primary source of information for this course is the world-wide web. The home page for the course is located at http://people.f4.htw-berlin.de/~weberwu/info2/. Course materials will be made available there. Check this site regularly for news and updates.
Last change: 2018-07-04 11:40 |