Medieninformatik HTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Bachelor Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
Informatik 3
Winter Term 2023/24

HTW Berlin

Info 3: Informatik III
Modern Software Engineering

Lab 5: State Transition Diagrams

Please read Ed Yourdan's chapter on State Transistion Diagrams (STDs) and the chapter from Sinan Si Alhir's book "Learning UML". That lets me get away with not repeating all that here.

Your job in this exercise is to model all of the following systems using a state transition modeling tool (2 points per system for 1 & 2, 3 points each for systems 3 & 4):

  1. Model the modified goat/cabbage/wolf problem:

    A farmer is in Oberschöneweide and wants to get his goat, his cabbage, and his wolf over to Niederschöneweide. Only one thing can fit in his boat at a time beside himself. He cannot leave the cabbage and the goat or the goat and the wolf alone on the same side of the river, for obvious reasons.

    Is it possible for him to get all three possessions across the Spree without losing any?

    Draw a State Transition Diagram modelling a solution to this problem.

  2. Model the states an IMI student passes through from the first until the sixth semester. Special mention for the most humorous model that is not offensive.

  3. Model an algorithm that determines if a given string is a proper floating-point number, i.e.

    [sign] integerpart dot fractional part [E exponent].

  4. Model the states for the shopping list app for which your team designed the class diagrams.
A goat in my
              garden eating my tree

You may use any tool to model the STDs. I like graphviz. This exercise is due next week before your CG exercise and should include reflections on the process of producing the diagrams and, as always, the time needed to complete the exercise. Don't forget to include your names on your report, and post the materials in the Moodle area for each team member.