

Black Bread Dessert

You read that right. Black Bread Dessert.

I had a quarter of a loaf of really good, dark German bread with sunflower seeds in it. It was hard as a rock, looked like I would need a chainsaw to slice it. But it was so good, I didn't want to throw it away, so I experimented.

I put it on a good board and took the best knife I had, and chiseled off the outer slice. I then took an inner slice for each serving, and whacked off the crusts. I cut the inside into cubes and then crumbled these into a bowl and mixed with a teaspoon of dark brown sugar. Then I put three teaspoons of a nice, sloppy, cranberry relish that was on the counter on the top. You could use any kind of runny jam. I cut half a kiwi into pieces and decorated one edge of the crumbs with that. For serving I poured on some Swedish sour milk (filmjölk), but you could use any sort of sour milk product. Enjoy

  Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@htw-berlin.de)


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