

Crayfish Mango Pasta

So it's officially crayfish season in Sweden, but I don't feel like eating an entire box of them (24) by myself. They now have little boxes of frozen crayfish tails, as well as cured ones in the fish section. So I got a box, and had a look at the refrigerator to see what to make of it. It was sooo good, I have to share:

Brown a chopped onion, 1-2 chopped garlic clove, and a good piece of ginger (chopped) in some olive oil. Add half a zucchini chopped into sliced quarters and half a red pepper, also chopped. Grate two smallish carrots hiding in the bottom of the drawer right into the pan, keep stirring. Now add Pepparmix to taste, some curry, and some flour to make a roux. I used lactose-free cream (15%) as liquid, and then dumped in a handful of snow peas, half a mango (chopped) and then the crayfish, thawed and drained. Stir until everything is warm, add more curry if necessary.

In the meantime, I cooked up some shell pasta that was finished just as the sauce was. I folded the pasta into the sauce and was worried that I had cooked too much. Nope, I had four servings, with some salad and a glass of dry, white wine. So make more if you are sharing :)

  Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@htw-berlin.de)


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