

Halloumi - Vegetable dish

Conny introduced me to this dish grilled, and it is very easy to make either in the oven or on the grill. You need:

Pour some olive oil in the bottom of a baking dish, or grease one of those aluminum frying pans for the grill. Sprinkle some salt on it.

Chop the veggies into smallish pieces, slice the halloumi into cubes, and make half-moons from the tomatos. Throw on top of the oil until full. Pour some more oil on top, sprinkle with French herbs (rosmary, thyme, garlic, parsley, whatever). Shove into a 180 C / 350 F oven until the halloumi starts to brown on the edges, maybe 25-30 minutes. Or set on the grill "long enough".

Serve with bread and olives and white wine, and slabs of meat from the grill for the carnivores. Serves 2 as a main dish, or 6 as a starter. Yes, it goes "squeak, squeak" when you eat it. It's supposed to :)

  Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@htw-berlin.de)


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