HTW Berlin This sign in a hotel bathroom in Amsterdam demonstrates a basic failure of usability of the shower. HTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
WT2: Usability
Winter Term 2017/18
Exercise 3: Target Group Analysis

We will be evaluating university web sites during the next few exercises. Before you choose a university, you will have to do an analysis of the target groups.

  1. Your group should first identify at least 4 target groups of persons who might want to visit the web pages of a university. Describe briefly typical characteristics of persons from this group.
  2. For each group of persons make up a short, believable story for one person from this group on why this person is going to be using the university web page. Give the person a name! What knowledge will this person have about the university and its web site already? Will this person be be using the system for the first time? Will they be working from home? What kind of a physical configuration of computer will they have (computer/monitor/Internet connection)? Will there be any factors that are distracting for the user? Any special factors that will help them?
  3. If you were going to be doing a usability test in industry, you would prepare a user group profile in order to help you select good test takers that are representative of your target user group. Prepare a user group profile for each of your identified groups for your final report.
  4. Prepare a background questionnaire for people who will be participating in your test.

Submit your report by 22.00 the evening before your next exercise session.

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