HTW Berlin This sign in a hotel bathroom in Amsterdam demonstrates a basic failure of usability of the shower. HTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
WT2: Usability
Winter Term 2017/18
Performing a Heuristic Evaluation
  1. Design may be verbal description, paper mock-up, working prototype, or running system. [when evaluating paper mock-ups, pay special attention to missing dialogue elements!]
  2. Provide evaluators with checklist of usability heuristics and a scenario.
  3. Optionally provide evaluators with some domain-specific training.
  4. Each evaluator works alone (1-2 hours).
  5. Interface examined in two passes: first pass focuses on general flow, second on individual dialogue elements.
  6. Notes taken either by evaluator or evaluation manager.
  7. Independent findings are aggregated (by evaluators or evaluation manager).
  8. Severity ratings are assigned first individually and are then aggregated.
  9. Group debriefing session to suggest possible redesigns.

From [Nielsen, 1993a,]


Some rights reserved. CC-BY-SA 2017 Debora Weber-Wulff (