HTW Berlin    

Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff

Debora Weber-Wulff

(c) 2022 HTW Berlin/
Alexander Rentsch

I am a professor for Media and Computing at the HTW Berlin

I retired at the end of March 2023, but that doesn't mean I will stop doing plagiarism research!
I will continue to teach a few hours but have no administrative duties.

I teach various media and software-oriented subjects. Projects on Internet and eLearning interest me, as well as my work on detecting and educating about plagiarism.

Check out my plagiarism FAQ, my portal with the Plagiarism Detection Software Tests, my blog about good scientific practice, and my eLearning unit "Fremde Federn Finden".

My book on plagiarism, "False Feathers: A Perspective on Academic Plagiarism" was published in 2014. I published a chapter in the "Handbook of Academic Integrity" on text-matching software in 2016.

Online I am active in the VroniPlag Wiki group, which documents plagiarism in dissertations, and in the Wikipedia project. I use the name WiseWoman in both projects. The new text comparison tool similarity-texter was produced by a student, the old one is here.

I am a founding member of Wikimedia Deutschland, there is a Wikipedia page about me and I can be found as Q1181545 on Wikidata.

I am fellow of the Gesellschaft für Informatik and a member of the GI working group "Computing and Ethics". Our second book, Gewissensbisse – Fallbeispiele zu ethischen Problemen der Informatik, was published in Open Access 2023. We blog ethical scenarios at Gewissensbits.

Information about my remote teaching experiments can be found online.

I am on Mastodon and used to be active on the bird site.


Courses WS 2024/25

Completed Theses

Old classes



Official Duties

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Office hours by appointment only

in Zoom

(Meeting ID 731 376 8416 // 714129)

Find me

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft
HTW Berlin / FB 4

Postal address:
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin
Visiting address:
Wilhelminenhofstr. 75a
12459 Berlin
HTW E-Mail:
  Public Key (.asc)

Current favorite quote

"As difficult as the pursuit of truth can be for Wikipedians, though, it seems significantly harder for A.I. chatbots. ChatGPT has become infamous for generating fictional data points or false citations known as “hallucinations”; perhaps more insidious is the tendency of bots to oversimplify complex issues, like the origins of the Ukraine-Russia war, for example. One worry about generative A.I. at Wikipedia — whose articles on medical diagnoses and treatments are heavily visited — is related to health information. A summary of the March conference call captures the issue: “We’re putting people’s lives in the hands of this technology — e.g. people might ask this technology for medical advice, it may be wrong and people will die.”
This apprehension extends not just to chatbots but also to new search engines connected to A.I. technologies. In April, a team of Stanford University scientists evaluated four engines powered by A.I. — Bing Chat, NeevaAI, and YouChat — and found that only about half of the sentences generated by the search engines in response to a query could be fully supported by factual citations. “We believe that these results are concerningly low for systems that may serve as a primary tool for information-seeking users,” the researchers concluded, “especially given their facade of trustworthiness.”"

Jon Gertner, “Wikipedia’s Moment of Truth”, The New York Times, (Published July 18, 2023, updated July 21, 2023)

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