Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff | On-line
writings |
- My first posts on Usenet: (25.2.1991) - soc.women (20.3.1991) - (4.7.1991) - comp.compilers (9.7.1991) - soc.culture.german
- I had a regular column on soc.culture.german from 1991 until about 1994 called "Violence update" about right-wing violence in German.
I'm starting to re-document what I wrote, but this takes a long time.
The Berlin Run-Around
- The Call: An adoption story
The Carneval some call Church
- Report
on an attempt to do a day's worth of research at the TFH...
- Beschimpfung einer Gruppe von Studenten (nie offiziell eingehängt)
- Rade's
- The Holy personnummer,
a story about life in Sweden without a number. (eDoc version)
- Eigene Versuche, Lettauesque
über Reinhard Lettau zu schreiben
Travel impressions: USA 2000, USA
2002, USA 2003, USA 2004, USA 2004-2
- Teaching
is like building a Tree House, Feb. 2001
- The Weber
Family Tree and Cookbook, dedicated to my late Aunt Jean Weber
- Modern
Lifelines, a story of Christmas without my computer
- A letter
to George W. Bush on March 18, 2003, just before the Iraq War.
- Stupid
translations, my ranting against things published in German that have completely
idiotic translations.
- Sind Sie denn integriert? Bericht einer Einbürgerung (Nov. 2005)
- And of course, my blog.

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Weber-Wulff <>